Cross-functional teams are the foundation of Agile. These teams enable regular interactions across organizational lines, so that people are talking, learning, and adjusting together rather than passing written documentation back and forth. This allows for much more rapid exchange of new information and faster progress in dynamic environments. In hospitality industry, Agile methodology, emphasizes customer collaboration because it enables frequent feedback. The customers themselves validate that the work is on track, delivering the right product, and providing real value. Customers get solutions to the problems they value most.

Agile accepts that we will discover more information as we go on; we may find a particular technical solution doesn’t meet the needs of customers, or we might discover there’s an entirely different problem underneath the stated problem, and by solving problem we can solve not just the proposed issue, but other customer concerns as well. The focus on ensuring prompt reviews and feedback from actual users (or as close to the user as you can get) addresses the most common failings of waterfall approaches — the delivery of quality services nobody really expect and professionalism attached deliveries are part of agile strength in the hospitality industry.

Teams feel valued, since they’re working on things that actually matter and will receive frequent in-depth feedback from the very people using the product (ideally, at least).

An Agile approach provides a unique opportunity for clients to be involved through feedbacks, from prioritizing features to iteration planning and review sessions to frequent software builds containing new features. However, this also requires clients to understand that they are seeing a work in progress in exchange for this added benefit of transparency.

Agile delivers business value in quick and fast-growing manner for your hospitality business, increasing customer satisfaction and employees productivity. AGILE – being a mindset, is a collection of beliefs that organization use in making best decisions towards delivering ‘just-in-time’ quality value to customers incrementally (breaking projects into short iterative circles).

In addition to faster cycles of review with customers or customer proxies, the focus on delivering working software in time-boxed or effort-boxed iterations of work provides the hospitality business as a whole more flexibility in when quality services should be delivered.

In more traditional approaches, releases occur when all the planned work is completed…or, even worse, on a date set by stakeholders regardless of how polished the actual work is on that date. Agile approaches, on the other hand, provide sufficient functionality.

Hospitality industry is also becoming an agile cheerleader. And why not? Top hotels, receive tons of guests, making them prime candidates for agile-related testing and optimization. By leveraging their customer services, they can generate high-depth, personalized consumer inflow based on predictive intelligence recommendations in very little time.

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