While the concept of Agile may have started out as a software development technique, the concept has now spreaded across other areas of business and product development. Businesses are also successfully using the Agile process in marketing, media, product development and even creative projects. The Agile approach requires the collaboration and feedback of the customer/client/target market during the development process. Depending on the feedback received from the client, changes are made during the development time, this way, the client gets exactly what he wants and there’s no outright rejection of the product (as it often happens in traditional project development).

Agile delivers just-in-time quality business value in quick and fast-growing manner for the media and creative industry, increasing customer satisfaction and employees productivity. Being a mindset, Agile incubate a collection of beliefs that organizations use in making best decisions towards delivering just-in-time’ quality business values to customers incrementally, by breaking project-briefs into short iterative circles, which produces crème-de-la-crème project-development assertion, enhancement of productivity levels in delivering respective project-briefs and powers the determinant-index for clients bottom-line, which is profit.

The media and creative industries’ gross domestic productivity in the today’s economy, can be multiplied by the processes and tools of the effectual result-orientedness of Agile. Agile has quickly become a new organizational paradigm shift in the marketplace. Therefore, in using agile methodologies, the multidisciplinary teams that are embedded in a given media or creative organisation, can work and deliver fast on task, broaden their knowledge-horizon, enable their ability to think quickly; and have defined task goals and realistic deadlines based on sufficient team skills and the right project management software that can deliver fast-growing customers satisfaction. In turn, this will culminate into the sum-total of the media or creative organisation’s workforce deliverables, colour-pasting their efficient and proficiency.

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